White House Shooting News, Photos, Videos and Tweets

Trump rushed out of briefing room due to shooting outside White House - Business Insider

Trump was abruptly rushed out of the briefing room on Monday, later returning to report a shooting occurred outside of the White House.

white house shooting - Business Insider (UK)
3:00pm PDT - August 10th, 2020

Trump abruptly escorted from briefing after shooting near White House

US News: President Donald Trump was abruptly escorted by a US Secret Service agent out of the White House briefing room as he was beginning a coronavirus brief

white house shooting - The Times of India
10:05am PDT - August 10th, 2020

RT @Phil_Lewis_: Susan Lorincz, the white Florida woman charged with shooting and killing her Black neighbor, told detectives she called th…

Molly Moggie (@mollythemoggie)
1:31pm PDT - July 22nd, 2023

RT @CBSNews: As the rampage unfolded, Sam Zeif, a Stoneman Douglas senior and shooting survivor, feared he would never see his brother agai…

Citizenrick (@citizenricky)
9:03am PDT - July 22nd, 2023

RT @Shnabbles: @backtolife_2023 What good is surveillance? Didn't do any good for the White House cocaine issue. Didn't help with the Epste…

Harry (@Harry71A)
12:15pm PDT - July 21st, 2023