Scotus News, Photos, Videos and Tweets

Judge Napolitano: SCOTUS deals 'defeat' to Trump, should be resolved before election

Judge Andrew Napolitano reacts to the Supreme Court ruling that President Trump must comply with state grand jury subpoena

scotus - Fox News
9:22am PDT - July 9th, 2020

Trump complains of 'political prosecution' after SCOTUS rulings on financial records | TheHill

President Trump on Thursday complained that he was being treated unfairly and subject to “politic...

scotus - The Hill
8:11am PDT - July 9th, 2020

RT @SenJohnKennedy: Democrats’ SCOTUS “ethics” bill is unconstitutional under Article III. Under our separation of powers doctrine, Congr…

Lucy Ziegler (@luczie16)
12:25pm PDT - July 25th, 2023

RT @tribelaw: Quoting me on why this GOP effort to forbid states from enacting laws to protect people and animals alike blatantly violates…

Diane Steele (@DisneSteele)
12:25pm PDT - July 25th, 2023

RT @SenJohnKennedy: Democrats’ SCOTUS “ethics” bill is unconstitutional under Article III. Under our separation of powers doctrine, Congr…

12:25pm PDT - July 25th, 2023