Rand Paul News, Photos, Videos and Tweets

Pandemic rewires the future of lobbying, voting and campaigning in Congress

The pandemic is pushing Congress toward remote hearings and votes, and is changing lobbying, fundraising and campaigning.Why it matters: The coronavirus is forcing one of the most change-averse institutions in the U.S. to rethink how it's always done things.<…

rand paul - Axios
10:35am PDT - June 27th, 2020

Cruz joins alternative social media site Parler in swipe at big tech platforms

Cruz did not say he was abandoning sites like Facebook.

rand paul - Politico
9:50am PDT - June 25th, 2020

24-Year-Old Beats President Trump’s House Pick in North Carolina GOP Runoff

Madison Cawthorn, who would reach the constitutionally-mandated age of 25 to serve in the House in August, was paralyzed from the abdomen down after a 2014 car accident

rand paul - Time
8:35pm PDT - June 23rd, 2020

Senate Republicans prepare their opening bid on police reform

Senate Republicans are planning to unveil a police reform bill on Wednesday that will limit the use of chokeholds and offer federal funding for deescalation training, sources familiar with the draft bill tell Axios.The big picture: Republicans are under incre…

rand paul - Axios
2:15am PDT - June 16th, 2020

Republican Rep. Tom Rice, and his wife and son, test positive for COVID-19

S.C. Republican Rep. Tom Rice announced Monday that he and his family contracted COVID-19, becoming the latest member of Congress to contract the deadly disease.

rand paul - USA Today
10:27am PDT - June 15th, 2020

Louisville bans ‘no-knock’ warrants after police killing of Breonna Taylor inside her home - Washington Post

  1. Louisville bans ‘no-knock’ warrants after police killing of Breonna Taylor inside her home  Washington Post
  2. Rand Paul introduces bill to end the type of warrant involved in Breonna Taylor's death  CNN
  3. Louisville Metro Council passe…

    rand paul - The Washington Post
    4:33am PDT - June 12th, 2020

Rand Paul introduces bill to end the type of warrant involved in Breonna Taylor's death

Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul introduced a bill on Thursday to ban no-knock warrants -- the type of warrant that ultimately led to the wrongful shooting death of Breonna Taylor, one of multiple black people who died as a result of excessive police force, prompting …

rand paul - CNN
6:22pm PDT - June 11th, 2020

Rand Paul unveils bill to end no-knock warrants

The move aligns the libertarian-leaning Republican with Democrats in the fast-shifting debate on police reform.

rand paul - Politico
3:40pm PDT - June 11th, 2020

WHO backs off claim that people without virus symptoms aren't transmission risk

“It’s an unfortunate misstep in the middle of what's already a hard road for most public health officials,” said one physician.

rand paul - Politico
2:30pm PDT - June 9th, 2020

Rand Paul White-Splained the ‘Seriousness’ of Lynching to Kamala Harris and Cory Booker

The Kentucky senator is holding up an anti-lynching bill as protests over police brutality against black people rock the country.

rand paul - Vice News
7:31am PDT - June 5th, 2020

Anti-lynching bill stalls in Senate as emotions run high

A Senate impasse over a widely backed bill to designate lynching as a federal hate crime boiled over on Thursday in an emotional debate cast against a backdrop of widespread protests over police treatment of African Americans.

rand paul - NBC News
4:50am PDT - June 5th, 2020

Emotional debate erupts over anti-lynching legislation as Booker and Harris object to Rand Paul amendment

In an emotional exchange on the Senate floor, Democratic Sens. Cory Booker of New Jersey and Kamala Harris of California spoke out Thursday against an amendment that GOP Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky was trying to add to anti-lynching legislation.

rand paul - CNN
8:05pm PDT - June 4th, 2020

Sens. Cory Booker and Kamala Harris Emotionally Call on Rand Paul to Allow Anti-Lynching Bill to Pass

Raw feelings were evident as Sen. Rand Paul sought changes to the anti-lynching legislation as a condition of allowing it to pass.

rand paul - Time
5:50pm PDT - June 4th, 2020

In emotional debate, Sens. Cory Booker, Kamala Harris plead for Rand Paul to allow anti-lynching bill to pass

An anti-lynching bill that Sen. Rand Paul has held up in the Senate for several months led to a heated and passionate battle on the Senate floor Thursday.

rand paul - Google News
4:10pm PDT - June 4th, 2020

Emotional debate erupts over anti-lynching legislation as Cory Booker objects to Rand Paul amendment

In an emotional exchange on the Senate floor, Democratic Sens. Cory Booker of New Jersey and Kamala Harris of California spoke out Thursday against an amendment that GOP Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky was trying to add to anti-lynching legislation.

rand paul - CNN
1:42pm PDT - June 4th, 2020

Rand Paul holds up passing bill that would ban lynching

Paul said he wanted more discussion "make the language the best that we can get it"

rand paul - CBS News
12:25pm PDT - June 4th, 2020

Rand Paul holds up passing bill that would ban lynching

Paul said he wanted more discussion "make the language the best that we can get it"

rand paul - CBS News
10:38am PDT - June 4th, 2020

Republicans struggle to pin down Trump on spying powers

Conflicting messages from the White House means FISA may stay lapsed for weeks or months to come.

rand paul - Politico
10:10am PDT - June 4th, 2020

Rand Paul holds up anti-lynching legislation as he seeks changes to bill

Republican Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky said Wednesday he is holding up popular bipartisan legislation to make lynching a federal crime, a long-sought goal of supporters that is acutely relevant now against the backdrop of nationwide protests against police mis…

rand paul - CNN
3:24pm PDT - June 3rd, 2020

Rand Paul demands changes to House's anti-lynching bill

Paul said The House’s bill won’t move quickly without more changes.

rand paul - Politico
10:28am PDT - June 3rd, 2020

Congressional Black Caucus to propose policing reforms after George Floyd's death

"All of us want to get at the root causes of the lack of police accountability," the chair of the Congressional Black Caucus told ABC News.

rand paul - ABC News
6:34pm PDT - June 2nd, 2020

Tim Kaine says he and his wife tested positive for coronavirus antibodies

Democratic Sen. Tim Kaine of Virginia and his wife have tested positive for coronavirus antibodies, he said in a statement Thursday.

rand paul - CNN
8:49am PDT - May 28th, 2020

Coronavirus: I was in the stay-home-until-it's-safe camp. But I just can't take it anymore.

I may have to turn in my progressive card, but I just can't stomach an extended coronavirus lockdown any longer. And neither can our country.

rand paul - USA Today
3:00am PDT - May 26th, 2020

Seth Meyers lays into Republicans for turning on Dr. Fauci to protect Trump

Seth Meyers used his "Closer Look" segment on Thursday night to tackle the timeline of President Trump and his allies ignoring health experts and firing officials who pushed back on the preferred narrative downplaying the coronavirus pandemic. One of them, Dr…

rand paul - Mashable
12:58am PDT - May 15th, 2020

U.S. Senate votes to extend government surveillance tools

The U.S. Senate comfortably approved a 2-1/2-year extension of parts of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) on Thursday, two months after the divisive provisions allowing government data collection expired.

rand paul - Reuters
12:28pm PDT - May 14th, 2020

RT @QuoteDigging: Tommy Tuberville is blocking the Marines from having a leader for the 1st time in 164 YEARS Rand Paul is blocking ambass…

StopFemaNowLINY (@StopFEMAnowLINY)
11:12pm PDT - July 11th, 2023

RT @lindyli: Tommy Tuberville is blocking the Marines from having a leader for the 1st time in 164 YEARS Rand Paul is blocking ambassadors…

Jim (@jameslovelyjr)
11:12pm PDT - July 11th, 2023

RT @lindyli: Tommy Tuberville is blocking the Marines from having a leader for the 1st time in 164 YEARS Rand Paul is blocking ambassadors…

belle (@upchuck66)
11:11pm PDT - July 11th, 2023

RT @lindyli: Tommy Tuberville is blocking the Marines from having a leader for the 1st time in 164 YEARS Rand Paul is blocking ambassadors…

Kara B (@BrociousKara)
9:15pm PDT - July 11th, 2023

RT @lindyli: Tommy Tuberville is blocking the Marines from having a leader for the 1st time in 164 YEARS Rand Paul is blocking ambassadors…

Logan8ter (@WeHaveCookies18)
9:15pm PDT - July 11th, 2023

RT @FemalesForTrump: WATCH: Rand Paul Shreds Zelensky's 'Brazen' Reaction To NATO Snub: 'Not Very Grateful' https://t.co/JyGarQfdjg

Bernard Chiasson (@resist312)
9:14pm PDT - July 11th, 2023
RT @wdrohrer: Do I want to know why Vaseline and Rand Paul are trending? https://t.co/XDHnHYkDxS

RT @wdrohrer: Do I want to know why Vaseline and Rand Paul are trending? https://t.co/XDHnHYkDxS

Mark S. Novak (@Marknovakusa)
9:14pm PDT - July 11th, 2023

RT @lindyli: Tommy Tuberville is blocking the Marines from having a leader for the 1st time in 164 YEARS Rand Paul is blocking ambassadors…

Linda Wilkinson (@LindaWi29232575)
9:14pm PDT - July 11th, 2023

RT @lindyli: Tommy Tuberville is blocking the Marines from having a leader for the 1st time in 164 YEARS Rand Paul is blocking ambassadors…

JJ (@ADukie4Life)
9:13pm PDT - July 11th, 2023

RT @therecount: Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) complains about how antitrust laws impact college sports at a hearing on the PGA Tour-LIV merger: “N…

manu+ (@jocve)
9:13pm PDT - July 11th, 2023

RT @lindyli: Tommy Tuberville is blocking the Marines from having a leader for the 1st time in 164 YEARS Rand Paul is blocking ambassadors…

Doug Grinbergs ☮️ (@ShutterbugDoug)
9:13pm PDT - July 11th, 2023

RT @FemalesForTrump: WATCH: Rand Paul Shreds Zelensky's 'Brazen' Reaction To NATO Snub: 'Not Very Grateful' https://t.co/JyGarQfdjg

BeBold (@GryndynP8tRioT)
9:13pm PDT - July 11th, 2023

RT @TPostMillennial: Sen. Rand Paul on Zelensky's reaction to the lack of a timeline for NATO membership: "We've given him $100 billion an…

Anna van Densky (@AnnaVanDensky)
9:12pm PDT - July 11th, 2023

RT @lindyli: Tommy Tuberville is blocking the Marines from having a leader for the 1st time in 164 YEARS Rand Paul is blocking ambassadors…

LJ Sabin (@3EyesBlind_13)
5:40pm PDT - July 11th, 2023

RT @TheSandraHQ: “The constitution was not written to restrain citizen behavior. It was written to restrain the government’s behavior” -Ran…

Pamela McDaniel (@pmcdaniel3367)
5:39pm PDT - July 11th, 2023

RT @lindyli: Tommy Tuberville is blocking the Marines from having a leader for the 1st time in 164 YEARS Rand Paul is blocking ambassadors…

Christine Fitts (@CHFitts)
5:39pm PDT - July 11th, 2023

RT @KevinWVanHorn: I grew up with President Reagan. I like conservative leadership. Governors like DeSantis, Kemp, Youngkin, Reynolds, Sunu…

kimjin (@kimjin674015853)
5:39pm PDT - July 11th, 2023

RT @lindyli: Tommy Tuberville is blocking the Marines from having a leader for the 1st time in 164 YEARS Rand Paul is blocking ambassadors…

louise blaich day (@blaichlouise)
5:39pm PDT - July 11th, 2023

RT @FemalesForTrump: WATCH: Rand Paul Shreds Zelensky's 'Brazen' Reaction To NATO Snub: 'Not Very Grateful' https://t.co/JyGarQfdjg

Lord Thandar (@thandar324)
5:39pm PDT - July 11th, 2023

RT @TPostMillennial: Sen. Rand Paul on Ukraine: "I think ultimately the war ends with a negotiated settlement, and as long as we continue t…

Legalize Freedom (@Jeff54261483)
5:39pm PDT - July 11th, 2023

RT @namwella1961: 2/07/21 Rand Paul: The impeachment trial of President Donald Trump is a "partisan farce." 7/11/23 Rand Paul: I demand w…

5:38pm PDT - July 11th, 2023

RT @lindyli: Tommy Tuberville is blocking the Marines from having a leader for the 1st time in 164 YEARS Rand Paul is blocking ambassadors…

Graple (@graple12)
5:38pm PDT - July 11th, 2023

RT @FemalesForTrump: WATCH: Rand Paul Shreds Zelensky's 'Brazen' Reaction To NATO Snub: 'Not Very Grateful' https://t.co/JyGarQfdjg

Mike Frevola (@FrevolaMike)
5:38pm PDT - July 11th, 2023

RT @lindyli: Tommy Tuberville is blocking the Marines from having a leader for the 1st time in 164 YEARS Rand Paul is blocking ambassadors…

shariys1 (@shariys11)
5:38pm PDT - July 11th, 2023

RT @lindyli: Tommy Tuberville is blocking the Marines from having a leader for the 1st time in 164 YEARS Rand Paul is blocking ambassadors…

off-brand Dave (@offbrandDave1)
5:38pm PDT - July 11th, 2023

RT @therecount: Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) complains about how antitrust laws impact college sports at a hearing on the PGA Tour-LIV merger: “N…

Gar Bercury (@GarBercury)
5:37pm PDT - July 11th, 2023

RT @FemalesForTrump: WATCH: Rand Paul Shreds Zelensky's 'Brazen' Reaction To NATO Snub: 'Not Very Grateful' https://t.co/JyGarQfdjg

Ultra MAGA Renee (@reneeAZpatriot4)
5:37pm PDT - July 11th, 2023

RT @lindyli: Tommy Tuberville is blocking the Marines from having a leader for the 1st time in 164 YEARS Rand Paul is blocking ambassadors…

David Deutsch (@daviddeutsch610)
5:37pm PDT - July 11th, 2023
RT @wdrohrer: Do I want to know why Vaseline and Rand Paul are trending? https://t.co/XDHnHYkDxS

RT @wdrohrer: Do I want to know why Vaseline and Rand Paul are trending? https://t.co/XDHnHYkDxS

Donna J Deason-Rehman (@RehmanDonna)
5:37pm PDT - July 11th, 2023

RT @lindyli: Tommy Tuberville is blocking the Marines from having a leader for the 1st time in 164 YEARS Rand Paul is blocking ambassadors…

Larry Stempler (@l_stemp)
5:37pm PDT - July 11th, 2023

RT @lindyli: Tommy Tuberville is blocking the Marines from having a leader for the 1st time in 164 YEARS Rand Paul is blocking ambassadors…

Nathaniel III (@quwhale90)
5:36pm PDT - July 11th, 2023

RT @FoxNews: .@RandPaul moves to make it easier for Americans to sue Biden admin over collusion with Big Tech https://t.co/n7C1XUS81s

Beverly Miller (@Beverly91935899)
5:22pm PDT - July 10th, 2023

RT @foxnewspolitics: Rand Paul moves to make it easier for Americans to sue Biden admin over collusion with Big Tech https://t.co/8bk3Y7oxMA

Steve Bartin (@stevebartin)
5:22pm PDT - July 10th, 2023

RT @FoxNews: .@RandPaul moves to make it easier for Americans to sue Biden admin over collusion with Big Tech https://t.co/n7C1XUS81s

Jack H (@jjhicret)
5:21pm PDT - July 10th, 2023

RT @LMFireSystems1: There gonna be alot of lawsuits Censorship is insane We are still throttled Rand Paul moves to protect Americans…

Redneck Azn (@LMFireSystems1)
5:21pm PDT - July 10th, 2023

There gonna be alot of lawsuits Censorship is insane We are still throttled Rand Paul moves to protect Americans' First Amendment rights from Biden admin collusion with Big Tech https://t.co/5HeH1Yt5DM

Redneck Azn (@LMFireSystems1)
5:20pm PDT - July 10th, 2023
RT @SUBRATA30016572: Rand Paul says Dr.Fauci should go to trial. 
Do you agree? YES or NO https://t.co/P4Vltv9P36

RT @SUBRATA30016572: Rand Paul says Dr.Fauci should go to trial. Do you agree? YES or NO https://t.co/P4Vltv9P36

Gary Stafford (@GarySta26049003)
4:08pm PDT - July 9th, 2023
RT @SUBRATA30016572: Rand Paul says Dr.Fauci should go to trial. 
Do you agree? YES or NO https://t.co/P4Vltv9P36

RT @SUBRATA30016572: Rand Paul says Dr.Fauci should go to trial. Do you agree? YES or NO https://t.co/P4Vltv9P36

Jan Castillo (@JanCast99868420)
4:04pm PDT - July 9th, 2023
RT @SUBRATA30016572: Rand Paul says Dr.Fauci should go to trial. 
Do you agree? YES or NO https://t.co/P4Vltv9P36

RT @SUBRATA30016572: Rand Paul says Dr.Fauci should go to trial. Do you agree? YES or NO https://t.co/P4Vltv9P36

RLR (@rjriess1)
4:04pm PDT - July 9th, 2023

RT @OnDemocracyPod: Rand Paul's hold of dozens of ambassadors and Tommy Tuberville's on flag officers have nothing to do with the nominees.…

Betmc (@betmc)
4:04pm PDT - July 9th, 2023