Lindsey Graham News, Photos, Videos and Tweets

Attorney General’s Testimony Shows Why Democrats Are Treading Lightly on Impeachment

Republicans closed ranks behind Donald Trump at a hearing involving Attorney General William Barr Wednesday.

lindsey graham - Time
6:44pm PDT - May 1st, 2019

Attorney General William Barr refuses to testify at House hearing about special counsel Robert Mueller

Attorney General William Barr refuses to testify Thursday at House Judiciary hearing about special counsel Robert Mueller's report

lindsey graham - USA Today
3:09pm PDT - May 1st, 2019

Moderate Dems fret they made a ‘big mistake’ backing Barr

Senate Democrats who voted for the attorney general are starting to have second thoughts after the emergence of Mueller’s letter.

lindsey graham - Politico
2:45pm PDT - May 1st, 2019

Democratic senator accuses Attorney General Barr of lying to Congress in fiery exchange over Mueller's report

Hawaii Sen. Mazie Hirono ripped into Attorney General William Barr with a nonstop line of questioning about his actions related to the FBI's Russia investigation on Wednesday. Barr appeared to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee about his oversight …

lindsey graham - Business Insider
2:32pm PDT - May 1st, 2019

Barr Is Expected to Face Tough Questions Over His Handling of the Mueller Report

Attorney General William Barr will face lawmakers' questions Wednesday in what is expected to be a dramatic showdown.

lindsey graham - Time
2:17am PDT - May 1st, 2019

Just 2 lawmakers have seen less-redacted Mueller report

Democrats want to see a fully unredacted report. Some Republicans say they simply trust Barr.

lindsey graham - Politico
3:11pm PDT - April 30th, 2019

75% of Americans disagree with Bernie Sanders' plan to let every US prisoner vote

Roughly 75% of people do not agree with Sen. Bernie Sanders that all prisoners should have voting rights, according to a new INSIDER poll. Overall, 35% said current inmates should be allowed to vote, but most of those people said this should only apply to non…

lindsey graham - Business Insider
10:40am PDT - April 29th, 2019

J.D. Gordon: GOP platform started 'collusion' trail - Washington Times

J.D. Gordon: GOP platform started 'collusion' trail Washington Times Lindsey Graham: 2016 Russian Hacking of Clinton, DNC Emails is Bigger Deal Than Jared Kushner Claims Newsweek Graham challenges Kushner’s bid to downplay Russia interference The Washington P…

lindsey graham - The Washington Times
6:26pm PDT - April 28th, 2019

Lindsey Graham: Russia should face 'more sanctions, not less' - Washington Times

Lindsey Graham: Russia should face 'more sanctions, not less' Washington Times Graham says Mueller investigation is "over for me" Face the Nation Graham: 'I don't care' if Trump told McGahn to fire Mueller | TheHill The Hill Graham: 'I don't care' what happen…

lindsey graham - The Washington Times
8:00am PDT - April 28th, 2019

Sunday: Graham, Richmond, Parscale, Zarif

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham, Rep. Cedric Richmond, Trump Campaign Manager Brad Parscale, and Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif to appear on "Face the Nation" this Sunday.

lindsey graham - CBS News
2:40pm PDT - April 26th, 2019

Acting Defense Secretary Shanahan Is Cleared in Ethics Inquiry

The investigation examined complaints that Patrick M. Shanahan, a former Boeing official, acted inappropriately on behalf of the company while at the Pentagon.

lindsey graham - The New York Times
5:53am PDT - April 25th, 2019

Lindsey Graham prepared to ignore Mueller...

When Bill Clinton was accused of obstruction, Lindsey Graham offered a passionate defense of bedrock principles. Twenty years later, he no longer cares.

lindsey graham - MSNBC
9:46am PDT - April 23rd, 2019

Graham: Dems will stampede to impeach Trump

Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham says 'there is going to be a stampede President Trump." (April 23)

lindsey graham - USA Today
9:10am PDT - April 23rd, 2019

Graham frets over Trump’s mixed signals on Libya

Trump recently held a call with Libyan militia leader Khalifa Haftar that blindsided diplomats and confused regional countries about U.S. policy in the area.

lindsey graham - Politico
2:09pm PDT - April 22nd, 2019

Washington is bracing for the redacted Mueller report. Here's everything we know about the 400-page document.

This week, we found out the Justice Department will release a redacted version of the special counsel Robert Mueller's final report in the Russia probe on Thursday. For the last two years, Mueller spearheaded a tight ship as he and his team of prosecutors con…

lindsey graham - Business Insider
2:28pm PDT - April 16th, 2019

Editorial Observer: Trump’s Nominees: Too Much Even for the Die-Hards

Some are spectacularly unqualified, others so extreme as to alienate the president’s most conservative enablers.

lindsey graham - The New York Times
4:42pm PDT - April 15th, 2019

'This Is Called Democracy': Graham Reacts to Flake's Call for One-Week Delay in Kavanaugh Vote

Sen. Lindsey Graham reacted to the astonishing call by Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake for an FBI investigation into Brett Kavanaugh.

lindsey graham - Fox News
12:53pm PDT - September 28th, 2018

Sen. Graham, more subdued, says 'I will not shut up'

After his forceful defense of Brett Kavanaugh, Sen. Lindsey Graham referencing the times that he voted for Democratic Supreme Court nominees said the confirmation process will eventually end and "we'll see what we do next."

lindsey graham - MSNBC
10:09am PDT - September 28th, 2018

Lindsey Graham unfazed by anti-Kavanaugh activists: 'These people can yell all they want'

Sen. Lindsey Graham says no amount of high-pitched screaming by political activists will dissuade him from supporting Judge Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court.

lindsey graham - The Washington Times
8:22am PDT - September 28th, 2018

Lindsey Graham may have single-handedly saved Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation

When Sen. Lindsey Graham's time came to ask questions of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh on Thursday, Republicans were on the verge of outright panic.

lindsey graham - CNN
7:43am PDT - September 28th, 2018

Lawrence O’Donnell Falsely Claims Graham Called Ford’s Allegation ‘Garbage’

The MSNBC host falsely claimed on Twitter Friday that Senator Lindsey Graham had called Christine Blasey Ford’s allegation against Brett Kavanaugh ‘garbage.’

lindsey graham - National Review
4:29am PDT - September 28th, 2018

Graham erupts in anger at Kavanaugh hearing

A furious Lindsey Graham accused Senate Democrats of “the most unethical sham since I’ve been in politics."

lindsey graham - Politico
10:51am PDT - September 27th, 2018

Lindsey Graham rips Dianne Feinstein, Democrats for 'unethical sham'

Sen. Lindsey Graham accused the top Democrat on the Judiciary Committee and her colleagues for putting on an "unethical sham" during the Supreme Court confirmation hearing Thursday.

lindsey graham - The Washington Times
10:07am PDT - September 27th, 2018

Lindsey Graham rallied the troops for Brett Kavanaugh and it just might push his Supreme Court nomination over the finish line

"My bullshit meter got pegged," Graham said.

lindsey graham - Business Insider
5:00pm PDT - September 26th, 2018

RT @TaraServatius: Those of us from South Carolina know Sen. Tim Scott is barely a Republican, forget about being a conservative. Total #Un

Cindy Dennis-Schappe (@moshymiss)
9:10am PDT - July 14th, 2023

RT @TaraServatius: Those of us from South Carolina know Sen. Tim Scott is barely a Republican, forget about being a conservative. Total #Un

Brian Westbrook (@Mcflyboy1985)
9:09am PDT - July 14th, 2023

RT @TruBlackPhoenix: Good morning to everyone except for those who act so cavalierly with the lives of our military men and women. I'll gla…

Bob Dunlap (@robertdunlap947)
9:09am PDT - July 14th, 2023

RT @TaraServatius: Those of us from South Carolina know Sen. Tim Scott is barely a Republican, forget about being a conservative. Total #Un

Scott (@MichaudScott)
9:06am PDT - July 14th, 2023

RT @TaraServatius: Those of us from South Carolina know Sen. Tim Scott is barely a Republican, forget about being a conservative. Total #Un

Drogon Stark (@Russell60501325)
9:06am PDT - July 14th, 2023

RT @TaraServatius: Those of us from South Carolina know Sen. Tim Scott is barely a Republican, forget about being a conservative. Total #Un

Laz 1 (@LazOne_3)
9:06am PDT - July 14th, 2023

RT @carolmswain: What is wrong with Lindsey Graham? Why does he appear to be a warmonger? Republicans should be taking a leadership role i…

May Belle Hemmer (@may_hemmer)
9:05am PDT - July 14th, 2023

RT @TaraServatius: Those of us from South Carolina know Sen. Tim Scott is barely a Republican, forget about being a conservative. Total #Un

Alli Babaras (@AlliBabaras)
9:05am PDT - July 14th, 2023

So now South Carolina has to replace Lindsey Graham and Tim Scott, because both of them are grossly incompetent. If you are a decent Republican with American values in South Carolina, please start some sort of a grassroots campaign immediately and get these fools out of office.

DrChristy39 (@Christy39Dr)
9:05am PDT - July 14th, 2023

RT @TaraServatius: Those of us from South Carolina know Sen. Tim Scott is barely a Republican, forget about being a conservative. Total #Un

Bob Eaarp (@GeneSte30100618)
9:04am PDT - July 14th, 2023

RT @carolmswain: What is wrong with Lindsey Graham? Why does he appear to be a warmonger? Republicans should be taking a leadership role i…

Upwardbound Christ follower/wife/mother/sister (@Upwardb75506009)
9:04am PDT - July 14th, 2023

RT @TaraServatius: Those of us from South Carolina know Sen. Tim Scott is barely a Republican, forget about being a conservative. Total #Un

NoBunko (@Nobunko1)
9:03am PDT - July 14th, 2023

RT @Jim_Jordan: Why won’t Biden’s DOJ be square with us? What are they hiding?

paul bertram (@paulber15962095)
9:03am PDT - July 14th, 2023

RT @TruBlackPhoenix: Good morning to everyone except for those who act so cavalierly with the lives of our military men and women. I'll gla…

Concernative (@concernative)
9:03am PDT - July 14th, 2023

RT @TaraServatius: Those of us from South Carolina know Sen. Tim Scott is barely a Republican, forget about being a conservative. Total #Un

Claudia American Patriot (@Claudia1516CMV)
9:02am PDT - July 14th, 2023

RT @NormDePlume69: @justinbaragona "When Donald trump took Lindsey Graham golfing in Oct 2017, he showed him pictures the Kremlin had given…

Dobo98 (@Dobo982)
8:47am PDT - July 14th, 2023

Miranda Devine Reminds Us Lindsey Graham Is Still a Biden-Loving Cuck

Morg (@Morg_Orlando)
8:47am PDT - July 14th, 2023

RT @carolmswain: What is wrong with Lindsey Graham? Why does he appear to be a warmonger? Republicans should be taking a leadership role i…

Tammy Ingram (@TammyIngram1)
8:46am PDT - July 14th, 2023

Because Tim Scott is Lindsey Graham lite. RINO who talks and talks and talks, until asked about shutting down Ukraine BS. Then, he's muted. HARD pass.

Tega Moore (@tega_moore)
8:44am PDT - July 14th, 2023

RT @mirandadevine: Lindsey Graham just declared that, because the cocaine investigation was closed without naming a suspect, it means the S…

MYname (@wonderfl8)
8:42am PDT - July 14th, 2023

RT @mirandadevine: Lindsey Graham just declared that, because the cocaine investigation was closed without naming a suspect, it means the S…

Sonja Tolar (@spoptolar)
8:40am PDT - July 14th, 2023

RT @chicagohandyman: If you want to make America great again, start by demanding the resignation of Congressman James Comer, Congressman Ji…

clarify (@clarification77)
8:40am PDT - July 14th, 2023

RT @DC_Draino: Lindsey Graham has never met a War he didn’t love His fetish is WW3 though That’s where he gets his biggest kinks

Flames Wire (@WireFlames)
8:40am PDT - July 14th, 2023

RT @gatewaypundit: The Definition of a War Criminal: Lindsey Graham Supports Sending Cluster Bombs to Ukraine Which Is a War Crime https://…

Flames Wire (@WireFlames)
8:39am PDT - July 14th, 2023

RT @MickamiousG: @RobertKennedyJr Linsey Graham is calling for this because he’s obviously being back by the contractors who make large sca…

Dan Aycock (@DanAycock1)
8:39am PDT - July 14th, 2023

RT @mirandadevine: Lindsey Graham just declared that, because the cocaine investigation was closed without naming a suspect, it means the S…

Darrell Collins (@DarrellCollin19)
8:06am PDT - July 14th, 2023

RT @carolmswain: What is wrong with Lindsey Graham? Why does he appear to be a warmonger? Republicans should be taking a leadership role i…

BlsdBeTheLord (@AnthonyMaragli1)
8:04am PDT - July 14th, 2023

RT @TruBlackPhoenix: Good morning to everyone except for those who act so cavalierly with the lives of our military men and women. I'll gla…

DrunkSquirrel (@DrunkSquirrel6)
8:04am PDT - July 14th, 2023

RT @mirandadevine: Lindsey Graham just declared that, because the cocaine investigation was closed without naming a suspect, it means the S…

Janet B (@JanCas01)
8:04am PDT - July 14th, 2023

RT @carolmswain: What is wrong with Lindsey Graham? Why does he appear to be a warmonger? Republicans should be taking a leadership role i…

Bill Lawrence 4ever Anti-Feudalist (@billlawr)
8:03am PDT - July 14th, 2023

RT @TruBlackPhoenix: Good morning to everyone except for those who act so cavalierly with the lives of our military men and women. I'll gla…

Solitude (@Solitude1095998)
7:49am PDT - July 14th, 2023

RT @carolmswain: What is wrong with Lindsey Graham? Why does he appear to be a warmonger? Republicans should be taking a leadership role i…

RMK (@RMK00948903)
7:48am PDT - July 14th, 2023

RT @mirandadevine: Lindsey Graham just declared that, because the cocaine investigation was closed without naming a suspect, it means the S…

scott simindinger (@SSimindinger)
7:47am PDT - July 14th, 2023

Sigh..,why does Trump continue to associate with swamp rat Lindsey Graham?

Di (@KochvilleDi)
7:46am PDT - July 14th, 2023

RT @TruBlackPhoenix: Good morning to everyone except for those who act so cavalierly with the lives of our military men and women. I'll gla…

FFT™ (@FemalesForTrump)
7:45am PDT - July 14th, 2023

RT @TruBlackPhoenix: Good morning to everyone except for those who act so cavalierly with the lives of our military men and women. I'll gla…

ATX Irish Gal (@Notmyfault99)
7:27am PDT - July 14th, 2023

RT @chicagohandyman: If you want to make America great again, start by demanding the resignation of Congressman James Comer, Congressman Ji…

Mara (@Maramarboo)
7:26am PDT - July 14th, 2023

RT @RpsAgainstTrump: Lindsey Graham on nominating Trump for president in 2016: “Donald is like being shot in the head...My party is comple…

R.D. McCutchens (@RDM716)
7:25am PDT - July 14th, 2023