Celine Dion News, Photos, Videos and Tweets

Watch Celine Dion go gaga for Lady Gaga at her concert

The power of Celine Dion's love for Lady Gaga is strong and, um, not subtle. The singer recently attended a Gaga concert in Las Vegas and revealed how much of a Gaga stan she is. I mean just look at that incredible arm span. Yes @celinedion !! THE …

celine dion - Mashable
7:13am PST - December 31st, 2018
RT @LyricsVisualss: Celine Dion dropped a classic https://t.co/gRaHVb93tT

RT @LyricsVisualss: Celine Dion dropped a classic https://t.co/gRaHVb93tT

UNCLE CHINEDU (@UncleChinedu)
3:21am PDT - July 24th, 2023
RT @LyricsVisualss: Celine Dion dropped a classic https://t.co/gRaHVb93tT

RT @LyricsVisualss: Celine Dion dropped a classic https://t.co/gRaHVb93tT

THE G•O•A•T  (@OfficialUdiBoy)
3:19am PDT - July 24th, 2023