Barack Obama News, Photos, Videos and Tweets

Joe Biden formally wins Democratic nomination to take on Trump

Joe Biden passes the 1,991 delegate threshold and will take on Donald Trump in November.

barack obama - BBC News
11:45pm PDT - June 5th, 2020

YouTube is hosting a star-studded tribute to the class of 2020 this weekend

YouTube Originals is celebrating the class of 2020 in style with a star-studded group of commencement speakers -- headlined by former President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama -- and performers honoring this year's graduates.

barack obama - CNN
2:47pm PDT - June 5th, 2020

Analysis: Trump has walled himself off from America's conversation on racism

Part of America is tiptoeing toward an uncomfortable self-examination about race. But President Donald Trump, bunkered down in his fortress behind high fences now ringing the White House, is spurning a building wave of national reflection.

barack obama - CNN
9:01pm PDT - June 4th, 2020

Obama hosts town hall discussion of 're-imagining policing' after George Floyd's death

Former President Barack Obama, who is expected to give brief opening remarks, has been emphasizing the need to turn protests into policy.

barack obama - USA Today
12:07pm PDT - June 3rd, 2020

Federal appeals court upholds California's ban on in-person church services

A federal appeals court rejected a California church's lawsuit hoping to overturn the state's ban on in-person church services.

barack obama - CNN
8:46pm PDT - May 23rd, 2020

Fox News coronavirus coverage dropped by 20% as the network shifted to 'Obamagate' and hosts focused on anti-lockdown stories

  • Coronavirus coverage on Fox News has been cut by 20% over the last month, according to data reported by Media Matters for America. 
  • The network has traded coverage of the virus for stories on anti-lockdown protests and echoes of President Do…

    barack obama - Business Insider
    1:16pm PDT - May 16th, 2020

Mitch McConnell says he was 'wrong' to say Obama left behind no pandemic plan

"I was wrong," Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell told Fox News. Obama "did leave behind a plan. So, I clearly made a mistake in that regard."

barack obama - USA Today
6:17am PDT - May 15th, 2020

Democratic Candidates Praise Labor — and the Obama Legacy, Too

After widespread criticism over attacks on Barack Obama at this week’s debates, Democratic candidates at a labor forum in Las Vegas took a very different tack.

barack obama - The New York Times
5:52pm PDT - August 3rd, 2019

From 'Android Andy' to alleged 'sex ring' leader — the rise and fall of Google exec Andy Rubin (GOOGL)

Andy Rubin is the creator of Android and a former Google executive. Rubin's career seemed to be on track — software engineering in Silicon Valley in the 1990s, founding Android, being a top dog at Google for a decade — until he was let go from Google after a …

barack obama - Business Insider
9:30am PDT - August 3rd, 2019

Fed dissenters say economy didn't need rate cuts

Two regional Federal Reserve presidents publicly dissented Friday over this week's interest rate cuts, issuing separate statements arguing that economic conditions didn't warrant easing.

barack obama - CNN
2:55pm PDT - August 2nd, 2019

Your Friday Briefing

China, Joe Biden, Kennedy Family: Here’s what you need to know.

barack obama - The New York Times
2:45am PDT - August 2nd, 2019

‘Stay away from Barack’: Dems seethe over criticism of Obama

Party officials are frustrated that the former president’s record was collateral damage in the debate attacks on Joe Biden.

barack obama - Politico
3:59pm PDT - August 1st, 2019

Joe Biden wants to bring America back to Obama's policies, but Obama has said he doesn't think his legacy should be set in stone

Former Vice President Joe Biden is running for president on a platform of returning America to the stability and decency of the Obama administration. Many of his progressive rivals want to go beyond promising a return to the past and are comfortable criticizi…

barack obama - Business Insider
2:25pm PDT - August 1st, 2019

Why Not Cory Booker?

He’s winning the debates and he’s great on paper. When will he catch on?

barack obama - The New York Times
1:53pm PDT - August 1st, 2019

Biden Defends Obama Legacy After It Was Bruised in Democratic Debate

Mr. Biden has used his association with Barack Obama to burnish his candidacy, but in Wednesday’s debate that legacy drew some criticism from fellow Democrats.

barack obama - The New York Times
12:25pm PDT - August 1st, 2019

Joe Biden 'surprised' by fellow Democrats attacking Obama's legacy at debates

"I don’t think there is anything he has to apologize for," the former vice president said. "It kind of surprised me, the degree of the criticism.”

barack obama - USA Today
12:08pm PDT - August 1st, 2019

Biden calls 2020 Democrats attacking Obama 'bizarre'

Joe Biden called 2020 Democrats attacking President Obama, most popular figure in their party, "bizarrre" on Thursday.

barack obama - ABC News
10:17am PDT - August 1st, 2019

Why Are Democrats Defending Al Sharpton?

They’ve handed Trump an easy win and yoked themselves to a genuine bigot.

barack obama - The New York Times
12:54pm PDT - July 31st, 2019

Moderates Faltered at Tuesday’s Debate. Will Joe Biden Do Better Tonight?

Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren held their ground as several centrists tried to paint their message as unrealistic for America.

barack obama - The New York Times
10:01am PDT - July 31st, 2019

Joe Biden is running for president on an ‘I’m not Trump’ platform, which spectacularly failed for Hillary Clinton in 2016

In a crowded field of almost two dozen contenders, former Vice President Joe Biden has claimed the mantle as its most anti-Trump candidate. He's made rejection of the 45th president the core part of his campaign message. The Biden campaign's laser-like focus …

barack obama - Business Insider
7:33am PDT - July 27th, 2019

'We are patriots': More than 140 African American who worked in the Obama administration write an op-ed calling for end to discrimination in the US

The Washington Post published an op-ed on Friday, which was authored and co-signed by more than 140 African Americans who served in the Obama administration, exploring the ways in which racism, sexism, homophobia, and xenophobia have pervaded the country. The…

barack obama - Business Insider
11:32pm PDT - July 26th, 2019

Obama's high school basketball jersey is up for auction

A high school basketball jersey once worn by former President Barack Obama is up for auction.

barack obama - CNN
3:12pm PDT - July 26th, 2019

Opinion: With Iran, Trump speaks loudly but (fortunately) carries a small stick

This week President Donald Trump demonstrated one of the most consistent themes of his presidency -- speak loudly but carry a very small stick. Talking about Afghanistan in his meeting with Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan, Trump told reporters in the Oval…

barack obama - CNN
10:01am PDT - July 26th, 2019

Divided House Passes 2-Year Budget Deal to Raise Spending

Republicans defected by the dozens, despite President Trump’s endorsement and pressure from key outside groups, and Democrats were left to get the deal passed.

barack obama - The New York Times
2:12pm PDT - July 25th, 2019

Treasury pick Monica Crowley spread Obama smears: 'Can he be both loyal to Islam and loyal to the United States?'

President Donald Trump's pick for the top spokeswoman job at the Treasury Department repeatedly spread conspiracy theories that suggested then-President Barack Obama was secretly a Muslim who was sympathetic to America's enemies.

barack obama - CNN
11:50am PDT - July 25th, 2019

RT @ACTBrigitte: George HW Bush, Bill Clinton, George W Bush, and Barack Hussein Obama are responsible for a combined 19 wars. President D…

Hopeforthebest2020 (@Hopeforthebes15)
1:59am PDT - July 6th, 2023

RT @ACTBrigitte: George HW Bush, Bill Clinton, George W Bush, and Barack Hussein Obama are responsible for a combined 19 wars. President D…

Michael Scott (@Michael71288864)
1:59am PDT - July 6th, 2023

RT @AOCpressTwo: From Barack Obama, Bill Gates, to Nancy Pelosi - it's so nice of them to buy 20-million-dollar oceanfront homes so they ca…

Renata (@Poticka_)
1:59am PDT - July 6th, 2023

RT @OccupyDemocrats: BREAKING: Stunning development drops in the case of the deranged Trumper who was arrested last week outside of Barack…

Lone Wolfe (@BradEmerine)
1:58am PDT - July 6th, 2023

RT @PalmBchCitizen: Both Parties are NOT the same. Trump Jr, Scaramucci, Hinkle, Greg, Vivek, YES FINALLY, Shapiro, Anne Hathaway, Jill #H

Rob Stevens (@SocialDemSheff)
1:58am PDT - July 6th, 2023

RT @SethAbramson: BREAKING NEWS: Would-Be Barack Obama Assassin Went to Obamas’ Home After Donald Trump Posted the Obamas’ Address, Yet Ano…

jayhawkbb (@ksjojo)
1:58am PDT - July 6th, 2023

RT @Miti_Blue: “If 99% of us (Democrats) voted, it wouldn’t matter how much the 1% spends on our elections.” President Barack Obama https:/…

TheMrsFed (@TheMrsFed1)
1:58am PDT - July 6th, 2023
RT @raggapegs: President Barack Obama is one of the greatest presidents ever.

RT @raggapegs: President Barack Obama is one of the greatest presidents ever.

WhiteMagicalHat (@WhiteMagicalHa1)
1:57am PDT - July 6th, 2023

RT @__TEAM_USA: How many of you believe former President Barack Obama is the one who began the downfall of America?

Bonnie Hallin (@HallinMia)
1:57am PDT - July 6th, 2023

RT @AOCpressTwo: From Barack Obama, Bill Gates, to Nancy Pelosi - it's so nice of them to buy 20-million-dollar oceanfront homes so they ca…

M E L H (M³) (@AntiVicista)
1:57am PDT - July 6th, 2023

RT @AvengerResister: It’s a fact that the American economy flourished a lot better under President Barack Obama than Donald Trump. https://…

1:57am PDT - July 6th, 2023

RT @SethAbramson: BREAKING NEWS: Would-Be Barack Obama Assassin Went to Obamas’ Home After Donald Trump Posted the Obamas’ Address, Yet Ano…

Judy Schultz ☮️ (@judyms12)
1:57am PDT - July 6th, 2023

RT @AOCpressTwo: From Barack Obama, Bill Gates, to Nancy Pelosi - it's so nice of them to buy 20-million-dollar oceanfront homes so they ca…

Teresa B (@staraciota)
9:09pm PDT - July 5th, 2023

RT @ryanjreilly: Detention hearing underway shortly for Jan. 6 defendant Taylor Taranto. He was identified by online sleuths nearly two wh…

Patr10tic (@patr10tic)
9:09pm PDT - July 5th, 2023

RT @OccupyDemocrats: BREAKING: Stunning development drops in the case of the deranged Trumper who was arrested last week outside of Barack…

Lesty Stoop (@Captain_Shiro)
9:09pm PDT - July 5th, 2023

RT @OccupyDemocrats: BREAKING: Stunning development drops in the case of the deranged Trumper who was arrested last week outside of Barack…

Douglas (@mcdoug75)
9:09pm PDT - July 5th, 2023

RT @AOCpressTwo: From Barack Obama, Bill Gates, to Nancy Pelosi - it's so nice of them to buy 20-million-dollar oceanfront homes so they ca…

My Best Life (@RJAlaska)
9:09pm PDT - July 5th, 2023

RT @AOCpressTwo: From Barack Obama, Bill Gates, to Nancy Pelosi - it's so nice of them to buy 20-million-dollar oceanfront homes so they ca…

A n s h a D (@a_nshad_p_v)
9:09pm PDT - July 5th, 2023

RT @OccupyDemocrats: BREAKING: Stunning development drops in the case of the deranged Trumper who was arrested last week outside of Barack…

LN (@LNBo64)
9:08pm PDT - July 5th, 2023

RT @AOCpressTwo: From Barack Obama, Bill Gates, to Nancy Pelosi - it's so nice of them to buy 20-million-dollar oceanfront homes so they ca…

@schmetterling (@schmett50071664)
9:08pm PDT - July 5th, 2023

RT @LarryTaunton: Latest episode of "Ideas Have Consequences": Who is Saul Alinsky? Among those upon whom he has had a major influence ar…

PunkinsPapa (@PunkinP)
9:08pm PDT - July 5th, 2023

RT @chiIIum: Just a reminder that Barack Hussein Obama’s Vice President, Joe Beijing Biden, was using a secret cell phone for him and his d…

Jette Burner (@JetteBurner)
9:08pm PDT - July 5th, 2023

RT @LeitootMoquette: ~ Dear Diary | #SignatureNoir ~ Sometimes I can do a Barack Obama Accent | Parleying takes every ounce of my energy.…

Raven Eye WANja (@SodaliteXPress)
9:08pm PDT - July 5th, 2023

RT @OccupyDemocrats: BREAKING: Stunning development drops in the case of the deranged Trumper who was arrested last week outside of Barack…

Facts Matter (@Now2Facts)
9:08pm PDT - July 5th, 2023

RT @ACTBrigitte: George HW Bush, Bill Clinton, George W Bush, and Barack Hussein Obama are responsible for a combined 19 wars. President D…

Jack Wade (@JackWad81740188)
9:08pm PDT - July 5th, 2023

RT @shannonrwatts: NEW: Federal prosecutors say former President Donald Trump posted on his social media platform what he claimed was the h…

Sirena Marbella (@SirenaMarbella)
9:08pm PDT - July 5th, 2023

RT @OccupyDemocrats: BREAKING: Stunning development drops in the case of the deranged Trumper who was arrested last week outside of Barack…

Sandy (@Sandy55520572)
9:08pm PDT - July 5th, 2023

RT @TonyHussein4: Obama to Trump: After Donald Trump shared Barack Obama's home address on his Truth Social platform, an extreme Jan 6th MA…

Morgan (@gymag6)
9:08pm PDT - July 5th, 2023

RT @SethAbramson: BREAKING NEWS: Would-Be Barack Obama Assassin Went to Obamas’ Home After Donald Trump Posted the Obamas’ Address, Yet Ano…

tricia scott (@patrscott)
9:07pm PDT - July 5th, 2023

RT @AOCpressTwo: From Barack Obama, Bill Gates, to Nancy Pelosi - it's so nice of them to buy 20-million-dollar oceanfront homes so they ca…

Jack Meoff (@RealJackMeoff)
9:07pm PDT - July 5th, 2023

RT @yourhelpfulplum: Barack Obama's American Dream

It’s Me (@ItsMe202234)
9:07pm PDT - July 5th, 2023

RT @Miti_Blue: “If 99% of us (Democrats) voted, it wouldn’t matter how much the 1% spends on our elections.” President Barack Obama https:/…

BlackCatMuse (@Xenophon9)
9:07pm PDT - July 5th, 2023

RT @SaffronQueen_: This is Philadelphia, USA. US senators, officials, Barack Obama & WaPo/NYT should focus on these out of control issues…

प्रतीक पटेल (@patel0788)
4:33am PDT - July 4th, 2023

RT @Veteran__007: Looks like Barack Hussain Obama is still tight lipped on France, Belgium, UK, Switzerland riots. Just wonder!! @Barack

drnc (@Student4_Life)
4:33am PDT - July 4th, 2023

Man accused of attacking Capitol officer as January 6 arrests pile up Jeremy Rodgers, 28, arrested in Florida a day after armed man wanted over riot detained near Barack Obama’s Washington home

4:32am PDT - July 4th, 2023

RT @TheThe1776: 1/3) You know Washington DC is full of sick criminals when an Evil Pedophile like John Podesta was the WH Chief of Staff to…

boyhowdy (@editors_desk)
4:32am PDT - July 4th, 2023

RT @DC_Draino: Remember when Michelle Obama was w/Barack during a 9/11 ceremony in 2011 while bagpipers played & soldiers folded an America…

FameisnotmyName (@jcruz4114)
4:32am PDT - July 4th, 2023

RT @sanjoychakra: 1. Barack Hussein Obama & the left stooges must understand that in Philadelphia, homelessness has increased to 57% & pove…

Harish CM (@harish504)
4:31am PDT - July 4th, 2023

RT @sanjoychakra: 1. Barack Hussein Obama & the left stooges must understand that in Philadelphia, homelessness has increased to 57% & pove…

Winds of Change (@UlloorBabu)
4:31am PDT - July 4th, 2023

RT @sanjoychakra: 1. Barack Hussein Obama & the left stooges must understand that in Philadelphia, homelessness has increased to 57% & pove…

Truthseeker (@S97Nishu)
4:31am PDT - July 4th, 2023